Poet Yusuf (35-38) returns to his childhood hometown, which he hadn’t visited for years, upon his mother’s death. He is faced with a neglected, crumbling house. Ayla, a young girl (17-19) awaits him there. Yusuf has been unaware of the existence of this distant relation who had been living with his mother for five years; He stays by his dead mother’s bedside for a while on the morning of his return…
Casts: Nejat Isler, Saadet Aksoy, Ufuk Bayraktar, Kaan Karabacak, Cengiz Bozkurt, Tu00fclin u00d6zen, Gu00fclu00e7in Santircioglu, Semra Kaplanoglu, Berkay Acar, Muge Acar, Nehir Acar
Director: Semih Kaplanou011flu, Semih Kaplanoglu
Countrys: Turkey,Greece
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.7 | 4,454 | 2007-11-09 | 97 |